Find an EMDRAA Accredited Trainer
The EMDR Basic Training Program
EMDR is a complex therapy and the EMDR practitioners’ training begins with the Basic EMDR Training program, which comprises 50 hours: 20 hours of didactic training, 20 hours of skills training and 10 hours of consultation with an EMDRAA Accredited Consultant, spread over a period of time.
Only individuals who have completed all 50 hours can be considered fully trained to conduct EMDR therapy.
Basic EMDR Training programmes are approved by EMDRAA in Australia and follow the internationally recognised curriculum published by the EMDR International Association.
All EMDRAA Accredited Trainers and their training programmes have undergone a stringent assessment process and have been approved by EMDRAA as meeting international guidelines and standards for best practice in EMDR therapy.
There are other providers offering EMDR courses, however these do not meet the standard and are not approved by EMDRAA. Irrespective of presenter, shorter courses give insufficient background and practice to allow therapists to safely begin to use EMDR. Sometimes there are trainers who may provide shorter courses to generate awareness, but these shorter, introductory courses do NOT meet international criteria and are not endorsed by EMDRAA, as international experience has shown they do not prepare therapists adequately to conduct EMDR therapy safely.
Trainees will only be eligible to become an EMDRAA member if they have completed an EMDRAA approved EMDR basic training programme.
All EMDRAA Accredited Trainers have spent many years developing their skills in EMDR theory and clinical practice and have fulfilled requirements to become, firstly an EMDRAA Accredited Practitioner, then EMDRAA Accredited Consultant and finally an Accredited EMDRAA Trainer. Individuals who develop training programmes in EMDR Basic Training submit these to the EMDRAA Accreditation and Standards Committee for approval.
EMDRAA Accredited training programmes and EMDRAA Accredited Trainers have undergone a stringent assessment process and have been approved by EMDRAA as meeting international guidelines and standards for best practice in EMDR therapy.
There are other providers offering EMDR courses, however these do not meet the standard and are not approved by EMDRAA.
You will only be eligible to become an EMDRAA member if you have completed an EMDRAA approved EMDR basic training programme.
Choosing an EMDRAA Accredited Trainer and training programme is an individual process, as people have different styles and whilst the content of all EMDRAA approved courses is essentially covering similar components, each trainer has different learning formats.
EMDRAA Accredited Trainers are private training providers. Please contact them directly to discuss their training programmes and if it will fulfill your learning needs.

1300 844 255
0428 796 373
0419 236 932